How the Truth Can Set You Free

How the Truth Can Set You Free

Romans 6:1-4
One aspect of the “truth that sets us free” is the knowledge of our position in Christ. We are in a relationship with the person of Jesus; this relationship is so intimate that it is described as being “in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3-14)
It was not always this way. Before we were in Christ, we were in Adam. The first man, who represented all humanity, sinned; as a result, his spirit died, and he was no longer one with God. As his descendants, we live in this state from birth. Scripture describes it as being dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1) – we are physically alive but spiritually dead. When we receive Christ as our Savior, we are taken out of Adam and placed in Christ Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit. What a miracle of grace! We who were dead and lost are now alive and found in Christ.
As we ponder the depths of this truth, we will begin to see how secure our position is and how complete our acceptance by the Father. We have been permanently placed in the Lord Jesus by the baptismal work of the Spirit. It is eternal and unalterable because of the nature of our triune God. If we ourselves had had any part in it, God would not have accepted us. But the work is entirely of God. He chose to reconcile us to Himself; He provided the means of reconciliation; and He placed us in Christ to indicate we are reconciled to Him and accepted by Him.
Reconciled, accepted, and alive in Christ. Hallelujah!

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries