The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

John 15:12-17
It is a sad fact that most Americans have few, if any, true friends. We are simply too busy to cultivate meaningful friendships.
This is not the way of Christ. When you look at His life, you notice right away that He spent a lot of time developing intimate relationships with his disciples and followers. He worked closely with the twelve, consulted privately with His “inner circle” of Peter, James, and John, and bestowed on John special attention as a friend. Jesus set a wonderful example of how to acquire friends and how to treat them.
As a true friend, Jesus:
1. Loves you fully and completely, not just because of who you are, but simply because you are. Christ’s love doesn’t depend upon what you do or cease when you fail – it is continuing and unalterable.
2. Accepts you just the way you are. At the same time, He encourages you to grow and realize your full potential. Knowing all your capabilities perfectly, He doesn’t want you to settle for less than He has designed and equipped you to become.
3. Understands you fully. There’s no path you walk that Christ hasn’t already trod. He may not approve of everything you do, but He grasps your situation, feelings, and thought processes in a way that is encouraging and uplifting.
Because Jesus is a true friend, you can show Him your real self – even the parts you consider ugly and unlovable – without fear of rejection or criticism. Openly bring your concerns, hurts, hopes, and joys before the Friend who loves you unconditionally.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries