Our Rewards in Heaven
Matthew 6:1-7; 16
Have you ever thought about what kind of rewards you are going to receive when you get to heaven? The Bible explains the criteria God will use to determine these rewards and what kind of conduct will deserve them. When we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will be judged by the light we have received and by what we have done with the opportunities we have been given.
Furthermore, we find that specific actions and attitudes will receive specific rewards. For instance, we are told in Matthew that there is a “great” reward stored up in heaven for those who are insulted and persecuted for Jesus sake. (Matthew 5:11-12) In another place, Jesus tells us that acts of kindness done to His followers will be noted and rewarded. Even a cup of water given to a thirsty disciple will not be overlooked on the judgment day. (Matthew 10:42) Included among the rewarded are those who leave family and personal possessions for the sake of the gospel. Another action that draws God’s special attention is love directed toward our enemies. For this behavior there will be a great reward, and we will be called, “sons of the Most High.” (Luke 6:35)
Sometimes others seem to prosper and reap a great harvest without even noticing how we prepared the soil. God assures us, however, that neither he who plants nor he who waters will be overlooked. (1 Corinthians 3:8) God is watching every detail. Everything done on His behalf will be rewarded.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries