The Challenge
Philippians 1:15-18
What do you do when you are misunderstood? Do you look for a way to escape or retaliate? Or do you feel hurt and secretly hold the pain inside?
Jesus was often misunderstood. The verbal accusations He faced from the Pharisees ended with His death on the Cross. But God won the victory. The focus of Christ’s life was not set on His circumstances. He did not worry about who liked Him or who was talking badly about Him.
Jesus knew what His mission was, and He was focused only on doing the will of the Father. It did not matter whether someone agreed with Him or not. His desire was for all men and women to come to know Him as Savior and Lord.
Paul also was persecuted. In the end, his faith in Christ cost him his life. Stephen died believing and proclaiming the truth he had learned through the power of the Holy Spirit. What set men like Paul and Stephen apart from others of their day was their determination to do God’s will.
In the book Gold By Moonlight, Amy Carmichael writes: “A crucified life cannot be self-assertive. It cannot protect itself. It cannot be startled into resentful words. The cup that is full of sweet water cannot spill bitter-tasting drops, however sharply it is knocked.” Never let the words and worries of others become the focus of your life. Jesus is your greatest reward.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries