Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Matthew 25:31-34
Every one of us must face the question of where we are going to spend eternity. Although the greatest theologians cannot understand or fully explain it, we are all destined to live forever-that is a mind-boggling thought.
In throes of desperation, some people will say, “I just wish I could die and end it all.” As baffling as it sounds, this is something we cannot do. It is simply beyond our power. We have no control over the fact that when we die, we keep on living somewhere. We can’t end our life, but we can decide where we are going to spend it; by the way we choose, we make a “reservation” for one of two eternal locations-heaven or hell.
It is critical to understand what the Bible has to say about these two places. Today, let’s consider heaven. The Bible describes it as a place decorated with gold, silver, and precious stones. (Revelation 21:18-19) This heavenly dйcor suggests valuables inconceivable to the mind of man. It’s going to be far more wonderful and far more dazzling than anything that even the beloved disciple John could conceive of, in spite of the visions that he was afforded.
As grand as all that may be, the real question is not what we shall see but whom we shall see? Do you know what makes heaven heaven? It is the presence of the Lord God Almighty. Forever and ever, you and I will live in unbroken service and unbroken bliss with the Trinity and every single saint who will be in heaven.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries