Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Matthew 25:41-46
In sharp contrast to its descriptions of the glories of heaven, the Bible talks very clearly about another eternal abode called hell. This is the location of those assigned to eternal separation from God. There is no way the human mind can begin to conceive of being eternally doomed to the darkness and loneliness of perpetual exile from God. Here there is no hope, no mercy, no help, and no relief. Many people say there’s no way they could believe a loving God would ever do that to anybody. These people forget that God does not consign people to hell against their wishes. He only confirms their choice to be there.
Everyday we are making decisions to include God or reject Him. When people choose not to give God a place in their lives, He will at some point give them
what they have requested. When you chose to live separate from God here on earth, you are choosing to be separated from Him for eternity. In the long run, we all get what we insist on.
How could God be more fair? What more could He do to save you than He has already done? He gave you a Bible to read, and people have knocked on your door, shared tracts, and preached on television. You’ve heard the Gospel again and again. My dear friend, listen carefully: When you stand in the Great White Throne judgment after telling God all your life to leave you alone, you will have your wish. His final words will be,
“Depart from Me.”
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries