A Healthy Body

A Healthy Body

1 Corinthians 6:12, 19-20

All of us know that there is an undeniable relationship between our health and our ability to realize our full potential. We may labor to have a clean heart, a clear mind, and a balanced schedule, but without a healthy body we simply cannot do our best. And good health will be enhanced when we begin to see our bodies as God views them.

In the sixth chapter of first Corinthians, Paul teaches that our bodies belong to the living God. (verses 19-20) As a result, I have to decide whether I will take care of my body or whether I will ignore or abuse it. None of us would walk into church and deliberately make a big mess, smearing red or black paint all over the place. We wouldn’t do that because we respect the church building as a place where God’s people worship. Then consider this: the human body indwelt by the God’s Spirit is far more important than any house of worship that ever existed.

Nevertheless, people often think that neglecting or mistreating their body is their prerogative. Whether the issue is substance abuse, abortion, or unhealthy habits, many people will say, “This is my body. I’ll do with it whatever I please.” But as we saw in Scripture, it is not your body. You can do what you please, but you will pay the penalty. Sin has its consequences, and sin against the body can inflict a penalty that lasts for generations. Ask God to help you regard the body as He does so that you will care for it appropriately.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries