A Solemn Warning
Luke 16:19-31
Only a foolish person would ignore a siren of warning. Why, then, do we so often overlook or ignore the shocking alarms that appear in Scripture?
Jesus did not want us to be caught off guard by spiritual truths, no matter how unsettling they may be. Therefore, He honestly and meticulously revealed obvious areas of caution for His people. One of those clear warnings was the absolute reality of a final judgment and the subsequent punishment for those not found in Christ. Simply put, He wanted us to know about hell.
Now, you are probably uncomfortable with the notion of hell. You may even declare that hell is impossible, because it is in complete contradiction with your view of God. However, we must never allow our emotions to color the way we interpret Scripture. The Word of God is not here to make us feel better, but to reveal the truth. Therefore, we cannot allow our discomfort with the issue to distract our attention.
We must never attempt to bend God’s Word around our human emotions. Rather, we must ask Him for the strength to read Scripture as it is, and then allow that truth to shape our emotions.
My friend, God does not send anyone to hell. However, He does allow people to determine where they will spend eternity. If someone spends his whole life telling God to go away, he will find in eternity that God has granted that request. The only way to avoid this eternal anguish is to accept the loving sacrifice that Christ has already made on your behalf.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries