Living Clean in a Dirty World

Living Clean in a Dirty World

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

How do we live clean in a dirty world? One of the first steps toward discovering this comes when we realize that God has given us a different nature from that of the world.

In 2 Corinthians Paul asks: “What fellowship has light with darkness?” (v. 14). If you are a believer, the Light of God’s salvation burns within you. Jesus is the Light of the world. He told His followers, “He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life” (John 8:12).

While you remain physically in the world, your eternal place of residence is in heaven. Through Jesus Christ, God has purified your life. Binding association with the world only darkens the light of Christ’s presence within you.

God instructed the nation of Israel to keep the lamps in the temple lit throughout the day and night. Only the very best olive oil was to be burned in these lamps. However, the people became complacent in their devotion to the Lord and began burning cheaper oil. As a result, smoke filled the temple, blackening its walls.

This is what happens to us when we fail to keep ourselves pure before the Lord. We think our association with the world will not harm us, but it blackens our lives. Then the clarity and brightness of God’s life within us is dimmed. Ask Him to reveal to you any impurity in your life so you can remove it and live clean in a dirty world.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries