How the Truth Can Set You Free

How the Truth Can Set You Free

Ephesians 2:8-10
Recognizing our full freedom in Christ begins with an awareness that our sins are forgiven and we face exciting possibilities for a new life. While it is right to revel in our newfound freedom, we must never forget that it is just the beginning of a long journey toward becoming the person God wants us to be. Real freedom includes release from all the limiting factors that hinder us from regularly bearing fruit. Among these factors is a wrong attitude toward self. When we fail to see ourselves as God sees us, things begin to fall apart at the center of our being, and we become weighed down with insecurities of all kinds. Then we quickly become mired in trying to prove ourselves by driving, pushing, achieving, and accumulating more and more things.
God’s remedy for all this is to rearrange our thinking until we begin to recognize who we are in Christ. With this viewpoint, we can move beyond spiritual infancy and embrace all of God’s purposes for our lives. The Bible says that we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. Whenever we feel inadequate and worthless, we must remember Who is at work within us and celebrate His work. We can silence the condemning voices by adopting the right attitude about God’s handiwork. That will open the door for the Spirit of Jesus to bring forth fruit that abides. In this way, we can truly reach our full potential and enjoy who we are, what we have, and where we are going.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries