Tragedy in the Church House

Tragedy in the Church House

1 John 5:10-13
The Bible warns about the predicament of countless churchgoers who will, to their utter dismay, face doom because they are trusting in their good works. (Matthew 7:22-23) Such a frightful tragedy can be avoided – the solution requires a sustained and accurate presentation of the Gospel in all its power and simplicity. The plain truth is that Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the whole world. He died in my place and took the penalty I deserved. His sacrifice is my only hope of salvation; when I believe in what He did, then I am saved.
Scripture says that salvation is a free gift; if we could earn it, it would no longer be a gift. In order to be saved, it is absolutely essential that we understand and appropriate the truth. It is also important to base our salvation on a definite decision made at a specific point in time. We don’t gradually acquire salvation by growing up in the church or improving our behavior. It is possible to mature in our mental understanding of the Gospel, but at some point, we must do something concrete with that knowledge.
At the end of our earthly existence, those of us who have embraced the truth will live forever; those who have rejected it will enter eternal darkness and misery. There is no middle ground. Thanks be to God that we don’t have to wonder which side we are on. His Word says we can know we have eternal life. This is not a “hope so.” It is the blessed assurance of the redeemed.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries