How the Truth Can Set You Free

How the Truth Can Set You Free

Romans 12:1-5
In previous days, we studied the concept of gaining freedom by knowing God’s Word. For us to absorb the truth, we must do more than simply read or memorize Scripture; we must also meditate on it – then the Holy Spirit will teach us to apply the Word to our lives.
God doesn’t simply free us from old negative thought patterns and feelings of inadequacy; He frees us to serve Him with our whole being. When we become overly concerned about what the neighbors think of us, whether we are secure enough, or which things we are lacking, then we have little to give away to anyone else. But the Lord wants His people pouring their lives into those who are suffering and hurting. His limitless love releases us to accept others in their present condition.
Godly freedom carries responsibility. We are accountable to our brothers and sisters who are in need. If we believe that the Lord has liberated us only for ourselves, then we have missed the point, and we are not truly free. God has saved us, equipped us, and armed us with His love so that we can carry out His universal goal: to bring to everyone the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord.
In a complete reversal of the world’s system, our freedom is rooted in our obedience to God’s purpose for our life. We have a choice to accept His love for us, and we must decide whether or not to communicate that love with others. Will you choose to share His love today?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries