How the Truth Can Set You Free

How the Truth Can Set You Free

John 8:31-32
Freedom in Christ is a choice. Often we have old feelings of inadequacy and inferiority that we unwittingly carry over into our relationship with God. He wants to cut us loose from the bondage created by a sense that we do not deserve blessings. However, we must choose freedom, just as we chose to receive Christ. We cannot drift into freedom any more than we can drift into salvation.
The choice to be liberated from satanic enslavement begins a process that changes our thinking to match God’s thinking. Make no mistake – embracing freedom will incur great pressure from the Enemy. He cannot steal our salvation, but he certainly wants to ruin our witness by crystallizing any feelings of inadequacy.
The first step – after committing to freedom – is abiding in the Word. That means the Bible is our key interest in life. We meditate on Scripture to understand what God says and to apply what we learn. This requires more than a quick read before hopping into bed. Secondly, we want to be confident of biblical truth, which clearly defines our position as a child of God. As that certainty fills our thoughts, all of Satan’s lies about our inferiority will shatter like glass. Finally, we can claim the truth we have gleaned. When we are confronted by situations that shake our confidence, we can rely upon new thought patterns that are based on scriptural truth.
God desires that we reject thoughts of inferiority and replace them with an accurate self-image – as His servant and ambassador! That requires believing the truth and choosing to live by it.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries