How God Gets Our Attention
Acts 9:1-9
Store owners have become creative in the methods they use to catch our attention. The store itself can have signs in bright colors or neon lights, awnings imprinted with the store name, or a flag out front declaring it is open. Mailings to our homes may come with a gimmick like a magnet bearing a store name and telephone number. Whatever the method, its purpose is the same-to catch our attention.
God, too, wants our attention. He has much to say to us and wants us to adjust our schedules so we can fellowship with Him. We get preoccupied with what is happening around us, and before we know it, days have passed and we have neglected to spend much time with Him.
What does it take for God to get our attention? Will a restless spirit cause us to seek godly counsel? Do we listen when God sends someone to point out His way? When blessings come, do we turn to God to see how to use them? Is it God we seek when our prayers go unanswered? How long does it take us to get past our emotions over disappointments, difficulties, and failures to listen to what our heavenly Father has to say? In times of great financial crisis, tragedy and sickness, do our eyes and minds lift heavenward to seek God’s love and wisdom?
Begin now to train yourself to give God your full attention. Allow what happens in your day to draw you to Him. He is waiting for you.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries