Identifying the Voice of God

Identifying the Voice of God

Matthew 16:21-25

Somewhere around four months of age, a baby begins to identify her parents’ voices. Having heard them speak for weeks, the child can now distinguish that they sound different from other people. Similarly, God has supplied us, His children, with the capability to recognize His voice. Over time we can learn to distinguish Him speaking to us through His Word, His responses to our prayers, and godly people.

To help identify God’s voice, ask yourself these questions:

Is the communication consistent with the Word of God? By examining Scripture, we will know to reject the voice that tells us we are under condemnation (Romans 8:1) and accept the word that God forgives us.

Does God’s instruction conflict with human reasoning? If so, it could be from Him-God tells us to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies; He also says the last shall be first.

Do God’s words clash with our fleshly desires? God wants us to have enjoyment in a godly way but is opposed to our gratifying earthly desires that are outside His plan.

Are God’s words a challenge to our faith? God desires to build our faith in order to deepen our relationship with Him.

Is courage required to act on God’s words? When God speaks, a decision requiring a sacrifice or change in direction is often necessary.

God promises we will know His voice above all others so we can follow Him. He doesn’t want us listening to “strangers,” for then we will go astray. (John 10:4-5)

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries