Eternal Security: You Can Be Sure

Eternal Security: You Can Be Sure

John 10:27-30
We spend a lot of time worrying about our physical needs – house, car, food, finances, and health. All of these are important, but there is one form of assurance which supercedes all others. God desires for us to be confident in Him and His saving grace to us. He gives us several reasons to be sure of our eternal security.
1. Jesus makes a personal promise to us that “no one will snatch them out of my hand” – and He does not make promises unless He intends to keep them. To assume that we can take an action that would separate us from God once we have been saved would make Him a liar.
2. The hand of God is used throughout Scripture as a symbol of His strength. Once we have received Christ, we are safely in His palm, and no force or action can remove us. If Satan could snatch us away, either by tempting us into sin or through his own power, that would mean that he is stronger than God. We know that isn’t true because God is omnipotent. (2 Chronicles 20:6)
3. Jesus is our advocate with a holy God who cannot look upon sin. In fact, Hebrews 7:25 tells us that Christ “saves forever” because He is available to intercede with God on our behalf. In human terms, Jesus is at the right hand of God as a tangible reminder that our sin debt is paid in full.
God through Jesus has offered us not only salvation, but salvation eternally, with no loopholes, caveats, or maybes. You can be sure!

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries