Fellowship with Jesus

Fellowship with Jesus

1 John 1:3-4, 6-7
We need one another. More importantly we need Jesus. However, the way we love the Lord exemplifies the way we love one another.

God created us for fellowship, and without it, something inside of us dies. Fellowship with other believers is breath and life to the Christian.

Therefore, if you want a deeper, more satisfying relationship with the Lord, learn to establish godly friendships with others who share your love for Jesus Christ. Don’t be overly concerned with the depth of the relationship. Some people long for friendships and seek to build relationships that run deep and are emotionally binding. This can be constraining.

Instead, as you are beginning to work on your friendships with others, draw closer to the Lord. Ask Him to uncover any difficult areas of your personality that may unknowingly block others from getting closer to you.

As you open your heart to the Lord in prayer, He will make more of Himself known to you. Love begins here in the presence of God. Once you experience this unconditional love, you will find yourself wanting to share it with others, not just as an evangelistic tool but also as a means of knowing and loving others who worship the Savior.

It is good to have friends from many walks of life. But let the pattern for your deeper relationships begin and end with a sincere love for Jesus Christ.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries