The God to Whom We Pray

The God to Whom We Pray

Matthew 6:9-13
Yesterday’s devotion concluded with the idea that the foundation of prayer is our view of God. It’s not enough to mouth the words of the Lord’s Prayer; we must also believe God can meet the needs we bring to Him. That is why our understanding of Him has such an impact on our lives.
First, our view influences what we ask – specifically, the size of our petition is affected. People often say, “I couldn’t ask God for that” because they considered the request too much – but what could be too big for an omniscient and omnipotent God? We limit our blessings when we ask only for what we can accomplish with our own resources, rather than depending on Him to provide the will and the way.
Second, our understanding of God affects our lifestyle. Recognizing God wants to walk with us should produce the desire for a pure heart. We know that living in deliberate sin short-circuits our fellowship with Him. Consequently, our view of Him affects how we think, behave, and relate to other people.
Finally, our perspective on God impacts our faith. If we see Him as some distant being who plays favorites, then we will not expect much from our prayers. But if we realize He is an all-powerful Father who loves us personally, then we can pray with the confidence that we will be heard.
Knowing God intimately will transform our natural tendency toward doubt and sin into an underlying sense of immense peace and faith. Our prayers are heard by a personal God. Have you taken the time to get to know Him?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries