Does It Matter What You Believe?

Does It Matter What You Believe?

1 Peter 3:13-16
Yesterday we learned that knowing what we believe prevents us from being misled and protects us as well.
Being firmly grounded in the truths of Scripture also prepares us to answer people who are honestly seeking the truth. It is our privilege to help a soul find its way to Christ. By having a strong grasp on God’s truth, we can confidently act upon opportunities to share our faith. The world offers “hope” based on opinion – and there are many opinions. We need to offer hope based solely on the reality of Jesus Christ.

Saturating our minds with scriptural truth has two outcomes:
– The persuasive power of our answers. It is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to draw people to faith in Christ; He also works to convince believers to change their ways and walk more closely with Jesus. Yet God chooses to use us – our minds and voices – to teach others about Jesus. When He decides we are ready, His persuasive power will flow out through our words to reach them.
– A strengthened personal relationship with God. The more we study the Word of God, the more we will grasp its deeper truths, and the stronger our faith will become. Our belief system is to be based on neither our opinions nor the ideas of others. The Bible, which is the inspired, infallible truth of God, is to be our primary source of knowledge.
There is nothing more important in our day than meditating on Scripture to build our faith and experience the presence of God. Is that what you believe?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries