The Holy Spirit’s Power
Acts 2:1-8
Did you ever wonder why so many churches are in trouble? Believers today argue with one another over the music, the staff, the maintenance of the building and so on. The answer to “why” is the absence of the Holy Spirit’s power. While He is with us in our churches through the presence of born-again believers, His influence has been hindered by the independent will they have. A church that tries to carry out God’s work without receiving His supernatural power will have increasing friction. What can we hope to accomplish without the fruit of kindness and self-control? When the Spirit is in charge, we will see believers relating well to each other through divine love, supernatural patience, and Christlike forgiveness.
The Spirit sends His power to transform our character, enable us to live in unity with each other, and provide us with a defense system. Knowing our weaknesses, God understands just how Satan will try to tempt us. Our Lord wants to help His children. If we relinquish our frailties to God’s Spirit, then His power will be released so we can stand firm. We will be able to say no to sin, to Satan, and to temptation. The Holy Spirit also labors to produce godly actions through the gifts He has given us. There is work for us to do, and God promises His Spirit will give us all we need to accomplish it.
The key that unlocks the door to divine power is surrender. It works for our churches as well as for our personal lives. Have you used the key lately?
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries