The Godly Quality of Generosity
Proverbs 11:24-25
There is a funny story about a frustrated mother and a fidgety seven-year old girl in church one Sunday morning. The child was extremely bored halfway through the sermon, and was causing her mother a great deal of stress. Finally, the girl looked up and exclaimed, “Mommy, if we just give him the money now, will he let us go home?!?”
We smirk, because we know in our hearts that the most painful honesty usually comes out of the mouths of children. Is this how we view giving? Sometimes, it is as though we think of our ministry giving as actually paying dues to the church! This is not how God intends us to view the act of giving. Consider the poor widow in Mark 12. After stepping up and contributing only two small coins totaling one cent, Jesus proclaimed that this one woman had given more than anyone else because she had nothing, yet still contributed.
Christians should never give out of obligation, but instead in an attitude of joy and worship (2 Corinthians 9:7). By giving, we can bless others just as we ourselves have been blessed (Matthew 10:8).
We have many wonderful opportunities every day to demonstrate God’s love to others. Does our giving reflect the grace and blessings that God has bestowed upon us?
Pray today for God to bless you with the heart of a giver.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries