The Fruitful Giver
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
If you’ve ever visited Israel, you have no doubt experienced the contrast between the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The banks of the Jordan are surrounded by trees and greenery, but nothing lives around the Dead Sea. The reason is that there is no outlet. When the water flows into that sea, it stays there. Eventually the salts accumulate and poison the water.
This is a vivid picture of two different financial plans. The Dead Sea compares to the world’s system, which is based on accumulation and preservation of wealth. The goal is to get enough so you can have enough, but this approach results in self-centered stagnation. Christians who follow this plan mistakenly believe it’s the path to security. But what they fail to understand is that hoarding makes their lives spiritually unfruitful and hinders the good works God wants them to do.
The Lord’s financial plan is like a river that moves continuously. As His provisions flow into our lives, we pass them on to others. This results in a fruitful life centered on building God’s kingdom. Perhaps you’ve realized that He promises to supply “bread for food”to those who give, but did you know He’ll also provide “seed for sowing” (v. 10)? He supplies enough to live and enough to give.
Have you hindered your spiritual growth by sowing sparingly? If you become a generous giver, God promises to “increase the harvest of your righteousness” (v. 10). There are needs in the church and the world that He wants to meet through your generosity. Let His blessings flow through you.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries