What Determines What I Hear?
Deuteronomy 4:29-31
Because God today is still speaking to His children in many different ways, it is critically important for us to become good listeners. And good listening is enhanced when we understand how our hearing is affected by different conditions and events. While it is true that some people hear only what they choose, there are other things that influence how we hear God speak.
One factor is our relationship itself. If we approach God as His saved children living under His grace, then we come with the assurance that He will speak the words we really need-even if they are not what we want to hear. When we know Him as an infinitely loving God, then we can believe everything He says will be true in our life.
When we pray to God as a friend, we may have in mind an intimate companion or more distant acquaintance. Our experience with different relationships will influence what we expect to hear from the Lord.
It’s the same way if we think of God as a teacher. We have all had some exceptionally patient instructors, but many people think of teachers as intolerant and critical. If God is seen as an impatient master who cannot tolerate any blemishes or imperfections, we are going to be laboring under a fearful bondage.
It is critical important that our view of God is correct and biblically informed. By knowing Him as the God of love (1 John 4:8) who wants us to approach the throne of grace boldly (Hebrews 4:16), we will trust more completely whatever He tells us.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries