Vision Without Boundaries

Vision Without Boundaries

Matthew 28:16-20

How many times have you heard someone say, “I’ve always wanted to do that”? Chances are, that person made the statement with a sigh, acknowledging the fact that he will probably never attain the goal.

I am fully persuaded that most of us fail to achieve our goals or reach our dreams because we unknowingly set boundaries upon ourselves. We don’t mean to do this; it is as though these limitations creep into our thinking and silently work against us from the inside. This is revealed in such statements as, “Oh, I could never do that!”

There is a great danger in this way of thinking, not only because it limits our individual success, but also because it carries over into our kingdom work. If we have no confidence in our personal lives, then we will surely show a lack of confidence in our church lives.

This is a serious problem! The work of the Gospel leaves little room for self-imposed boundaries. Think about the task before us: to evangelize and disciple the entire world! We have been given the most important job imaginable; we cannot allow our own fears and insecurities to get in the way.

When Jesus gave this Great Commission to His disciples, He did not intend to simply give them a task to accomplish. Rather, He wanted to present them with a new way of life and a fresh vision of what God planned to accomplish through them. As they discovered, when it is the very power of God at work within you, your personal fears don’t seem so big after all.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries