Feeling Condemned
John 8:1-11
Have you ever felt guilty for something you’ve done? Sure you have. The truth is, there are no perfect people in this world, and-it will come as no surprise-that includes you and me. This means every single one of us has done something of which we are not altogether proud.
The question, then, is not whether or not you have experienced guilt, but rather what God thinks about your feelings of self-condemnation. Does your righteousness in Christ require you to mourn continually over your sin?
The answer is a resounding NO! Too many believers fall victim to the guilt mindset. This is the inclination to become almost crippled with remorse over poor decisions and sinful actions. Obviously, God is not pleased with our sin, but He does not want us mastered by guilt!
This certainly does not mean that our wrongdoing is insignificant. In fact, it required the highest price imaginable to secure our freedom from sin, death, and guilt. That price was the very life of the Son of God.
The only reason believers are not condemned by their sin is that Jesus already bore the punishment. (1 Peter 3:18, 2:24) Please understand what this means. You see, Jesus did not die merely for the sin “of the world,” but for your sin. He paid the penalty; He accepted the guilt. God will not send the punishment for your sin a second time. The debt is paid!
No one can repay God for what He’s done; instead, we can only praise Him and accept the wonderful gift He has freely given.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries