Building Bridges to the Kingdom

Building Bridges to the Kingdom

Matthew 25:31-34
Sometimes Christians limit their spiritual responsibility to God and their local church. But the Bible says that every single believer around the world is related to us as an arm is connected to a body. We are all part of the body of Christ. If our vision for service stops at the local church, our effectiveness for the kingdom will be diminished.
God’s kingdom is the realm where He rules in the hearts of men and exercises His authority. We who have been saved by the grace of God are a part of the kingdom, which is set up in the hearts and lives of believers. One of these days, that realm will also be a physical reality with a new heaven and new earth. Until then, we are all at work to build the kingdom by sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the world. That is the task of the church – the same mission given to the 11 disciples when Jesus ascended to heaven.
Our responsibility is to construct the bridge of understanding about God’s grace. The Holy Spirit ultimately walks a lost person across the bridge, but we are charged with building it in the first place. Certainly God could have chosen to write a message in flaming letters across the midnight sky. Then people from every culture could see the Gospel, recognize the presence of God, and be saved. But instead, He placed His plan of salvation in the hands of each of us so we can take part in His work. Now is the time to build bridges for Jesus.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries