Eternal Security: You Can Be Sure

Eternal Security: You Can Be Sure

Romans 8:32-39
We have been learning about God’s incredible plan to save us eternally. A persuasive argument for believing in eternal security is found in Romans when the writer asks two questions.
Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? The answer is simple: no one can bring an accusation against believers and make it stick. Satan certainly tries, but God has justified us through Jesus Christ – He has declared us no longer guilty. No matter what new sin we might commit after we are saved, we cannot be tried in God’s court a second time. If you fall into a stage of unbelief or sinful living, you may lose your reward but you cannot lose your eternity with God. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15)
Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Undoubtedly, there are many experiences that test our faith, but we are ultimately saved by grace. Jesus understands our trials and our doubts, and He is not interested in casting us away at our first misstep. God knew long before we received Christ that we would make thousands of mistakes afterwards. He saved us anyway.
Some believers worry that embracing eternal security will motivate people to go out and live a life of sin because they have nothing to lose. If we think about the wonder and majesty of God, doesn’t it make more sense that people would be motivated to praise Him for saving them out of the filth of their disobedience? The more we know of Jesus and His love for us, the more we love Him and want to please Him. Forever.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries