When We Feel Burned Out

When We Feel Burned Out

Isaiah 40:27-31
Burnout. That very expression seems to make us sigh, doesn’t it? In this fast-paced, overworked world, most of us have felt the tiring numbness of burnout. How should a believer in Christ respond to these feelings?
Surrender. Now, you may think this means to throw up your hands and cry, “I give up!” However, that is not what we must do. Rather, we should surrender everything we have to the Lord. His hands are big enough to hold anything and everything we need Him to handle. When we try to keep everything to ourselves, we will eventually start dropping it all.
Depend on Him. Have you ever handed a concern over to God, only to find yourself trying to pull it back out of His hand? We tend to want to fix things ourselves, don’t we? The truth is, however, that only God has the power and perspective to bring all matters to their proper conclusion. (Romans 8:28) When we try to take things back from Him, we will only interfere with the solution He wants to bring about.
Trust Him. Do not overlook this vital point: God loves you. Because of His great love, God wants to take care of you, and that means He wants to handle of all of your worries. (Matthew 6:25-34)
God does not want you to run yourself into exhaustion, even by doing “good deeds” or “church work.” Instead, He wants you to rejoice in His rest. (Matthew 11:29-30) Are you burning out? If so, return to the Flame and be rekindled today.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries