Eternal Security: Solemn Warnings
Galatians 5:1-6
Many people believe they are saved but are not confident regarding eternal security. Believers who think Christians can fall from grace use biblical verses to support their idea, but often the passage has been interpreted out of context.
Galatians 5:1-6 is quoted by supporters of the “falling from grace” concept, but that is not a notion Paul actually embraces in his letter. In fact, Paul is writing to the Jewish Christians in Galatia who had been swayed by Judaizers to believe that salvation required both receiving Christ and keeping portions of the Mosaic Law. The apostle condemns this as wanting to “distort the gospel of Christ.” (Galatians 1:7)
Spiritually falling from grace is not equivalent to losing eternal security, simply because grace is not salvation. Grace is a method of salvation – God’s unmerited love and favor bestowed on us when we receive Christ. Paul is accusing the Galatians of reverting back to – or falling to – a works-based salvation plan. Have they forfeited their salvation? No, but they have lost their freedom and are again slaves to the Law.
As Christians, we are not to think of our good deeds as a way to earn God’s favor; we are simply to bask in His love for us. By trying to earn our salvation or insisting that others could lose their eternal security through sinful actions, we are telling God that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was insufficient to cover a sin-debt. The Bible clearly tells us that salvation is not by works, but by grace through faith in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries