Christians in the Marketplace

Christians in the Marketplace

Ephesians 6:5
Because the Lord loves us and wants the very best for us, He has given us His Word, which speaks to all aspects of life. One area He deals with in detail is relationships, and He gives clear instruction to those involving employees and employers. God says that certain attitudes and actions ought to be true of believers as employees. These passages were written to a society that held slaves, but what was true for Roman slaves is true for us today.
Employees are to obey their employers with sincere obedience. (Colossians 3:22) We are not simply to appear submissive, but we are actually to honor workplace superiors by our obedience. We are released from this command only if our employer requires us to do something in violation of a scriptural principle. (Acts 5:29) So the next time you are tempted to speak badly of your boss or complain to a coworker, be aware that would violate the Word of God.
We must submit to managers who are not gentle, who are unreasonable, and who put more tasks on us than we think is right. Why? Because God favors those who bear up under sorrow and suffer unjustly. (1 Peter 2:19) In addition, our response on the job broadcasts a message about the kingdom of God. By our right conduct, we are defending the principles of truth. God has placed you in this position – even if it is a difficult one – and He wants you to reach your employer or fellow employees with an accurate reflection of godly living. What will they see in you?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries