The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

The Best Friend You Will Ever Have

Song of Solomon 5:16
Many of us are familiar with the popular hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” We all agree that He is a great friend, but few of us have an exhaustive knowledge of the heights and depths of His friendship. In an earlier lesson, we attempted to define certain elements of this relationship. Here are a few more:
1. He is committed to you as a friend for life. In fact, this commitment is for more than a lifetime. It’s eternal. He will never leave you, no matter what you do. Some of your expectations may be dashed, but He Himself will never disappoint you.
2. He is open and transparent to us at all times. Jesus will show us as much about Himself as we desire to learn and are able to appreciate. He isn’t going to keep from us anything about Himself that we need to know.
3. He is renewing His loving overtures on a daily basis. He knows how to meet our deepest longings, and He is sensitive to our wants as well as our needs.
4. He is an inspiring, comforting listener who never interrupts and is slow to criticize. He attends wholeheartedly to our requests. His eyes are so lovingly fixed on us that His heart hears exactly what we are saying.
Jesus sealed His friendship by laying down His life for us. Because He gave Himself once for many people, we His followers can give ourselves for a few. Who in your circle of influence needs the sacrifice of your time or caring?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries