Restored by Grace
Luke 15:17-24
Family-oriented movies often end by showing a reunion of loved ones. We see family members with arms around each other in an expression of love and support. Through the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus gives us this same picture of our heavenly Father’s attitude towards us. (Luke 15:21 niv) There, Jesus reveals the magnificence of grace. We see that the one sinned against runs out to eagerly welcome back the one who sinned; the one who was wronged takes the initiative—because of love—to restore the broken relationship; the one mistreated shows compassion to the one at fault.
And there is even more. The prodigal did not know his full rights as a son would be restored. As believers, however, we know in advance what awaits us when we humbly return. Because of grace, we can count on acceptance no matter how long we have been absent from God or how far we have wandered. Grace guarantees that God will greet us with compassion and forgiveness and lovingly restore us to full rights as His children. It is not our performance—not good deeds or even the right apology—that matters; it is our position in Christ. When God sees that we belong to His Son, He forgives us.
The parable of the prodigal points us to the truth that, because of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven even before we return. This does not give us a license to sin (Romans 6:1-2) but it does give us a reason to celebrate. Our Father waits to welcome us home.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries