God’s Way is the Best
Exodus 1:7-14
A popular song written in the late 1960s talks about someone looking back over his life and proudly proclaiming that he did it his way. Five times the unidentified person declares in a self-satisfied manner that he managed life his own way. The song’s theme is the exact opposite of how God has called believers to live. As Christ-followers, we are to submit to God’s plan and live according to it.
How do we go about living God’s way?
Give God our attention. We are to set aside our agendas and focus on our relationship with Him and what pleases Him.
Receive God’s directions. Start by following the steps He has already revealed for our situation. Being confident that God will answer, continue to ask what the subsequent steps are. (Proverbs 3:5,6)
Act on divine command. This requires that we listen closely to God’s instructions. Learning to hear Him is a basic lesson in the Christian life. If we do not know how to listen to the Lord, how will we know when He has spoken? If we do not know what He has said, then how can we obey?
Accept what God provides as enough. God takes full responsibility for the life committed to Him and provides all that we need in order to obey. We are to act based on this truth (Philippians 4:13) even when our feelings say we have inadequate resources or skills.
What do your choices reveal: God’s way or your own? Commit to making the song of your life, “I did it God’s way.”
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries