Telling It Like It Is

Telling It Like It Is

Matthew 10:32-33

Life demands proof. Sometimes it seems as though no matter what we say, people simply will not believe us without some definite verification. Did you know that you already have the needed evidence to back up the most important news in the world? That news is the saving Gospel of Jesus, and the proof is your own personal testimony.

Every single believer has an irrefutable account of how Christ saved him from sin. It is disheartening when people downplay their faith story as boring or “ordinary.” How could this story ever be ordinary? This is not some narrative about how you spent your day; we’re talking about a supernatural event! This is the chronicle of how almighty God entered your heart. This news is far from boring.

Moreover, no one can ever discount your testimony. It is your own story, the truthful telling of how God has worked in your life. A testimony is like a fingerprint-no two are the same. However, regardless of the details, no one can ever tell you that your own personal experience is wrong. Even if they do not believe in the power of Christ, they cannot refute what He has done in your life.

It can be quite a challenge to boldly give your testimony, especially if you are not sure how your audience will react. However, in these moments, you can know for certain that your story will be something they’ve never heard before. God gave you a special gift in your unique testimony. Are you sharing that gift with others?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries