Maintaining the Spirit-filled Life
Galatians 5:16,18
Sin is the biggest inhibitor to maintaining the Spirit-filled life. If you struggle with a particular sin from which you seem hopelessly unable to extricate yourself, you must soak in the truths of the believer’s relationship to sin.
For instance, the Bible says that believers are dead to sin (Romans 6:2), that our old selves were crucified with Christ (6:6), and that sin shall not be master over us because we are under grace and not under law. (6:14)
You may think, “That’s easier said than done.” But remember that God is the one who spoke these truths through the apostle Paul. This isn’t some surreal, mystic, unattainable state of near-perfection. These truths simply provide God’s truth, which you must grasp when temptation comes. Satan will lie to you, saying you are too weak to resist temptation, but God’s Word says otherwise.
We respond to life on the basis of the way we view ourselves, and if you believe you are a saint as God’s Word says, then you will act differently when confronted with temptation and obstacles. You must learn to reject thoughts of sin, acknowledging that they do not fit who you are in Christ.
It all boils down to choices. Are you going to believe Satan’s lies or God’s Word? Are you willing to accept the truth and act accordingly? Are you simply willing to obey?
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries