The Cross: A Look at the Heart of God
John 3:16-20
Have you ever wanted to peek into someone’s heart – his very spirit – to see what is really going on in there? We all desire this at times; in fact, the more we are able to get glimpses into a person’s heart, the better we can determine what kind of man he is. That is a basic way we grow to trust and love other people.
If we want to apply this concept to our relationship with the Lord, we need only to look one place: the Cross. There we can see a perfect picture of God’s heart and His view of sin, love, and mankind.
The most overwhelming image of the Cross is the complete justice of God. The Lord’s “justice” simply means He does the right thing – the righteous thing – in every situation. When it came to dealing with mankind’s sin and wickedness, a problem arose that needed an eternal solution. The issue was the fact that God’s perfect holiness stood in complete opposition to man’s sinfulness. Because of His unwavering justice, He could not simply ignore our sin. Therefore, He had only two options: abandon mankind to his sinfulness or provide a perfect sacrifice to atone for the sin of the world. In His love, He chose the latter.
The Cross of Jesus represents the only answer to a cosmic problem. Despite the great cost – His only Son – God worked to bridge the gap caused by sin. With His justice satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice, God’s eternal love can now welcome us into His holy presence. Have you trusted Jesus as Savior and acknowledged the sacrifice He made on your behalf?
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries