The Final Judgment
Revelation 20:11-15
If you were to ask a criminal, just moments before a trial verdict, whether or not he would like to be found guilty, what do you think he would say? Without a doubt, he would reply, “Of course not! I want to be free!” This seems like a simple question, doesn’t it?
Now, take that scenario to a deeper level. Rather than the threat of prison, suppose a man was facing confinement in a place of eternal torment. If you were to ask that man the same question, “Do you want to be found guilty?” he would certainly reply the same way. With such a clear decision, it seems ridiculous to think that anyone would choose a guilty verdict.
However, men and women leave this world everyday, choosing eternal punishment for a life of sin. Why would they do that? Quite simply, it is because many of them never even consider what awaits them in the future – an event the apostle John calls the Great White Throne Judgment.
At that time, the Lord will judge those people who rejected His Son Jesus Christ. Every sin committed will be brought into the light, and all men and women will be called to account for their lives of sin. (Hebrews 4:12-13)
However, without the salvation that comes only in Christ, these unfortunate souls will go on to face an eternity of consequences. With this in mind, we must renew our commitment to tell others about Jesus. He is the answer to the question that our friends and neighbors may not know to ask.
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries