The School of Obedience

The School of Obedience

John 14:1, 15-17
Yesterday we studied the necessity of increasing our trust in God and were challenged to make “waiting on God” a part of our daily life. Today we will look at three more essential qualities for the obedient life.
MEDITATE If we want to know the mind of God, we need to meditate upon His Word. We do not need to pick the “right” verses in Scripture in order to know God’s will. He has the power to direct us from any place in the Bible. Our part is to pursue wisdom through Scripture over a sustained period of time.

LISTEN Learn to listen to the quiet prompting of the Holy Spirit who is our helper. The Bible is the primary resource with which the Spirit works. If we are studying a passage, He will illuminate our mind so we see how God is directing us. Or He will bring to remembrance a passage we have learned and reveal how it applies to our situation.
WALK Our final lesson to learn in this class on obedience is that sometimes we must walk when the way is not clear. Abraham is a good example of this. God told Him to move out of his homeland but did not specifically tell him the destination. Abraham by faith obeyed. (Hebrews 11:8) We can obey without understanding because God makes Himself responsible for the consequences. We are only accountable for obeying. This is good news!
As our class ends, which element has God disclosed needs the most work in your life -Trust, Wait, Meditate, Listen or Walk?

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries