Defeating Discouragement

Defeating Discouragement

Nehemiah 2:17-20
No matter what our position in life, we all encounter disappointments, which can quickly lead to discouragement and paralysis. No one is immune. While everyone suffers in this way, some seem to be down and out much longer than others. What can be done to minimize our down time?
First of all, understanding the difference between disappointment and discouragement is helpful. Disappointment is simply an emotional response to a failed expectation or hope. We become disappointed when somebody doesn’t measure up or when plans go awry. Discouragement is more serious – it is a state of mind in which we become faint-hearted and lose confidence in God, others, or ourselves. This condition can result when disappointment is handled improperly.
It is important to realize that discouragement is a choice. We either can settle into that disappointment and accept our discouragement, or we can look straight at it and consider our assets. That’s what Nehemiah did. When beset with huge obstacles in his attempt to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, he gathered the officials and began a sober analysis of the problems confronting them. He was not a rosy optimist, but he did have confidence in the hand of his God and in the word of the king. (Nehemiah 2:17-20) He insisted that these factors were enough to bring success if workers would arise and build. Buoyed up by this one man, the officials set their hands to complete the project and defeat the heavy discouragement all around them.

Is there a broken wall needing repair in your life? He who is in you is greater than any obstacle hindering its repair.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries