The Strength to Stand

The Strength to Stand

Ephesians 3:14-21
We know who our Enemy is, and we are dressed for battle. But we do not feel ready. Our weaknesses seem large and our strength small.
For us to stand firm in this life, we must have the power of our living Lord operating within us. To have His divine power released in us requires serious, sustained prayer. (Ephesians 6:18) When we communicate with the Father, He will give us a discerning mind so that we can recognize truths about spiritual warfare. The Holy Spirit will also help us gain insight into our Adversary’s tactics (1 Corinthians 2:14) – attentiveness to the Spirit enables us to gain divine perspective on our circumstances and to receive warnings about forthcoming attacks. Starting each morning with the Lord lets Him strengthen us to stand steadfastly for Christ, no matter what is in store that day.
Prayer is an essential part of our protection against the Devil. If we are prayerless – failing to seek God’s guidance, and neglecting to put on His armor by faith every day – then we will be defeated. Our vision and understanding apart from God are too limited and our Enemy is too powerful for us to stand alone. With God, however, we will be more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37) He will make us ready if we draw close to Him through prayer, listen to His instructions, and follow through with obedience.
The Enemy despises prayers offered through faith in Jesus Christ because he has no defense against them. Persevering prayer strengthens us, crushes Satan’s might, and sends him running. (James 4:7) Drop to your knees and watch what happens.

Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries