Solving Problems Through Prayer
2 Chronicles 20
Jehoshaphat had admonished Israel to return to the Lord, reminding a rebellious nation of the God who had freed it from bondage in Egypt and sustained it through much adversity. Then came the report that three tribes were mounting an attack on Israel.
Jehoshaphat’s response was a godly example not only for Israel but also for us today. The king’s first act was to immediately seek the Lord. By doing so, Jehoshaphat inherently demonstrated the knowledge that God is interested in all of man’s problems and that nothing is bigger than God.
Becoming a Christian does not give us a free ride from the problems of life. When we encounter trouble, our first response always should be to seek the Lord.
God will give us a solution to the problem-in His timing. We may have to wait for His answer. The wait may be long. He often uses such times to mold our character and to teach us principles He knows we lack. Sometimes, we’re not ready for His perfect answer, so He has to prepare us.
Finally, God’s answer to our Christ-centered (not problem-centered) prayers usually requires an act of faith on our part. Sometimes-as with having a choir lead an army into battle-His plans won’t immediately make sense. But they are perfect. “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass” (1 Thess. 5:24).
Daily Devotions with Dr. Charles Stanlley, InTouch Ministries